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Southern NSW Local Health District Careers - "Working to help our communities lead healthy lives"

Southern NSW Local Health District (SNSWLHD) extends from the NSW South Coast, across the Great Dividing Range and the Snowy Mountains to the Southern Tablelands.

The Health District encompasses the traditional lands of four large Aboriginal nations – the Gundugurra, Ngunnawal, Ngarigo and Yuin nations.

We serve both regional and rural communities of 202,000 residents (2.5% of the total NSW population) in an area covering 44,534 square kilometres over seven local government areas.

We provide a range of quality acute, subacute, palliative care, mental health, drug and alcohol, residential care and community and ambulatory care to the people of south eastern NSW.

Our role is to ensure that our communities have access to safe, appropriate and quality health services now and into the future.

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