Welcome to South Western Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD)
                                       One of the largest Local Health Districts in the state.

South Western Sydney is an exciting, interesting and dynamic place to live and work. South Western Sydney is home to a mixture of metropolitan  and rural communities which is culturally diverse. South Western Sydney has a very significant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community, especially in Campbelltown, Wollondilly, Camden, Wingecarribee and Liverpool.​

South Western Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD) covers both Rural and Suburban communities and manages six acute public hospitals

SWSLHD also operates 14 major Community Health centres providing prevention, early intervention and community-based treatment, palliative care and rehabilitation services.

SWSLHD provides Oral Health, Drug Health, Mental Health Services and Population Health Services are provided at a number of facilities across the district.

Affiliated Health Services include: Karitane, Braeside Hospital, Carrington Centennial Care and NSW Service for the Treatment of Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS).

SWSLHDs vision is to promote the health of the residents of the District and patients using our health services through the delivery of high quality patient centred health care. SWSLHD’s key strategy to positively transform how our patients, consumers, staff and communities experience our organisation and services is Transforming Your Experience. This Strategy provides us with clear direction to ensure our care is always safe, high quality and personalised, and all our staff are supported and empowered to achieve their full potential. SWSLHD have developed strong recruitment strategies in line with Transforming Your Experience to ensure attract the right applicant for the right position, this has included becoming leaders in our results utilising LinkedIn to engage with perspective talent.

Our culture at SWSLHD enables excellence and accountability, values our people and supports positive leadership and teamwork.

We uphold the values of Collaboration Openness Respect Empowerment

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