Medical Careers with NSW Health
Rewarding career opportunities are available for all categories of doctors including specialists, hospital non-specialists, interns and residents across all areas of medicine. A role within NSW Health allows you to progress your training and career in a diverse and engaging environment.
Health Education and Training Institute (HETI) are responsible for the allocation of medical graduates to intern positions across NSW through the Medical Intern Recruitment campaign. Further information can be found on the Medical Intern Recruitment page.
NSW Health coordinates the Annual Junior Medical Officer Recruitment Campaign from May each year, where a number of vocational and non-vocational roles – including residents, registrars, trainees and provisional fellows - are advertised for the following clinical year. Further information regarding the campaign and Junior Medical Officer positions can be found on the Junior Medical Officer Recruitment page.
You are able to search for current medical roles advertised by using the tiles below.
To apply for medical intern roles in the Medical Intern Recruitment Campaign click here. To complete the additional application required for Rural Preferential Hospital intern roles please click here
To apply for all medical officer roles in the annual Junior Medical Officer Recruitment Campaign, as well as temporary, casual and Career Medical Officer roles, click here.
Senior Medical & Dental Officers (SMDOs)
To apply for all Senior Medical & Dental Officer roles currently advertised, click here.